Electric Scooters for Adults Gilbert Arizona

Electric Scooters for Adults Gilbert Arizona

B. inggris 1. Hey, look. Many people used an It is a ... season. We will have ... days all these months. 2. The air is .... The land cracks because of the .... It's the... season.
3. The... is blowing so hard. People are holding their .... I think there will be a....
4. It is .... The flowers are .... The wind is ....
5. Today, the air is so Everything is covered by it is......​

1. Hey, look. Many people used an It is a ... season. We will have ... days all these months. 2. The air is .... The land cracks because of the .... It's the... season.
3. The... is blowing so hard. People are holding their .... I think there will be a....
4. It is .... The flowers are .... The wind is ....
5. Today, the air is so Everything is covered by it is......​


General Knowledge:

1. Hey, look. Many people used an umbrella. It is a rainy season. We will have wet days all these months.

2. The air is hot. The land cracks because of the drought. It's the dry season.

3. The wind is blowing so hard. People are holding their hat. I think there will be a storm.

4. It is spring. The flowers are blooming. The wind is cool.

5. Today, the air is so cold. Everything is covered by snow. It is Winter.


Jawaban dicetak tebal sudah dicocokkan dengan pilihan kata yang terdapat pada kotak jawaban pada soal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran General Knowledge (pengatahuan umum) tentang cuaca dan musim dalam Bahasa Inggris.

1. Ekspresi "wet days" bermakna hari hari akan mengalami hujan dalam jangka waktu yang panjang bisa 8 jam bahkan lebih. Rainy season maknanya adalah musim hujan dan itulah sebabnya dinyatakan bahwa orang orang menggunakan "umbrella" (payung) untuk melindungi diri mereka dari hujan

2. Saat musim kering (Dry Season) tanah retak karena kekeringan (Drought) dan udara menjadi panas (the air is Hot)

3. Dinyatakan pada jawaban bahwa orang orang memegangi topi mereka (People are holding their hat) karena angin yang bertiup kencang (the wind is blowing so hard) dan itu menurut penulis adalah tanda akan terjadinya badai (storm)

4. Saat musim semi (Spring), bunga-bunga bersemi / bermekaran (blooming) angin terasa sejuk (Cool)

5. Saat musim dingin (Winter) udara pun menjadi dingin (Cold) dan semuanya tertutup oleh salju (Everything is covered by snow)

Semoga membantu ya.
